Welcome to This Way Up!

‘Author Patti Clark is a cross between Elizabeth Gilbert and Julia Cameron.’

– Joanne McCall

Why I made this blog –

Do I want fame? Well maybe a little, but mostly, to be honest, this is all a little embarrassing. In my mind I think – who am I to be writing a blog, what do I have to say?

But then on the heels of that, I hear Marianne Williamson:

“Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won’t feel insecure around you.”

Do I want attention for my work? Well, yes I do. I want women to think about how they live their lives, to look deeper and live more consciously. I want to share the 7 Tools for Transformation – I want women to know that they have the power to create the life that they love. 
I want women to know that their minds are the most beautiful and powerful things on Earth.

I want to talk about Intention, Attention and Memory (I AM) – making the most of each and every day on this planet. I want to motivate women to follow their bliss.

I want women to know that it’s safe to trust their inspired thoughts. I want to communicate that all people can access their intuition – it just takes time to learn to listen to it and trust it. I want to encourage women to live with an attitude of gratitude and abundance.

I want people to know that the old paradigm is changing and that I am one of the people who is in the process of changing it – I’m doing this by paying attention everyday, by practicing my own 7 Tools of Transformation, and by being willing to move forward a little bit everyday.

So why did I create this blog? I guess to bring attention to this work, my work, and to maybe make a difference…

If you want more information about, or want to purchase my award winning book, This Way Up: Seven Tools for Unleashing Your Creative Self and Transforming Your Life, please visit my Amazon Page.  Or if you are in New Zealand or Australia, visit Fishpond

Winner of The Best Self-Help Book 2017!


Any Donation is Gratefully Appreciated!

286 thoughts on “Welcome to This Way Up!

  1. thanks Patti for reminding me, that I dont serve the world by being small. I am looking forward to the book being published, for there are woman who want to change, to not be their mothers, and to gift to my daughter her magnificent self and to teach/encourage her how to fly or sing or just to be,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, here I was, going along blissfully in my life until my boss announced that she wanted my life because I am so happy and my life is simple (compared to hers). She said a few more similar thoughts to me on a few successive days that I then began to feel badly and took it all so personally. I gave myself a scathing case of shingles — on my face, no less, because I let her get to me. When I finally realized, and accepted, that it was my behavior (being blissfully happy in her presence) which led to her comments, I was able to see that she would have said the same thing to anyone who exhibited my behaviors. From this experience I have learned to take nothing personally, from anyone, and have put a post it in my bathroom cabinet stating: Nothing is personal, because I need reminders that it’s okay to be happy when others are not. I am happy again, even at work when my boss is around.
    We have much to learn from each other and I thank you, Patti, for putting your energy into this blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Cheers for stopping by my blog, I’ve just recently started to get into personal development with gratitude, positive psychology, meditation, happiness, mindsets and all that stuff. Glad to see that someone else also shares similar thoughts.

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  4. Hi Patti, thanks for “like”ing my post and following my blog. It means a great deal when someone trying to make a difference, as you do, finds interest in my posts.
    Take care,

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Patti, Thank you so much for the nomination on my blog. Sorry for the delay in replying as I have been quite busy. You have a wonderful inspiration blog and I love passing by 😉 Keep spreading the positivity Patti. Have a lovely week.
    Take care Alan

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Cagdas, Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it.
      Yes my sentiments echo yours – we can only hope that positivity will soon replace negativity.
      Thanks again for taking the time to comment.


  6. Thank you for your visit to my blog! So happy to have found you, too- I really like your writing! And in the way of things, very synchronous- just relearning about not being small, as it happens! All the best to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautifully written! I love your honesty, and heartfelt compassion. There are so many woman out their looking for their own voice, and I really think with your help (writing your blog), you give woman the strength to find that voice! Thank you for your amazing, optimistic perspective!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your lovely comments Shell! Yes – so many women out there looking for their own voice, their own way to express their life. I am touched that you see my blog as giving strength to women to find that voice. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it!


  8. Intention, Attention and Memory (I AM).

    Oh Patti something extremely unique.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Be in touch. Browse through the category sections,
    I feel you may find something of your interest.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Patti,
    True, at 51 I am learning to create the life that I want. It’s exciting. I have moments wishing I had this information earlier, but things come to us when we are ready to receive. So, I do not spend too much time thinking/wishing about having this earlier. Point is I can create now….and that is a wonderful thing. It is difficult to not let others affect us. But I find the more we stick to it the easier it gets. So, thanks for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts, which brought me to yours – to find we are on the same page. Who cannot use more positivity on a daily basis?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Deb – Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I am also 50+ and at times I too wish I had started on this path much earlier. But mostly I am just so overjoyed that I am there now. It’s an incredible journey! I’ve enjoyed visiting your blog, reading your words and seeing your pictures. I agree – we can all use more positivity on a daily basis!


  10. Expressing ourselves bring peace… you should always be honest with ourselves… and yes, the world is full of wonderful things. We should use our time productively… congratulation on this blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Patti, what a wonderful post. I related to what you wrote very much. I am one of those people who spent years building up the courage to put my thoughts out there, be myself. I agree with your post– write it, post it, tweet it, vine it, be yourself and as you said “make the most of each and every day on this planet.” Thanks for this inspiration, Patti!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Patti. Thank you for dropping by and now following my blog http://www.gaellebythesea.wordpress.com
    I am always amazed on how people make the decision to follow me as, like you, started this blog thinking will this be of any interest to anyone? the thing is once you start you cannot stop and I have found myself looking for more positive angles and things to say. It made me do what I preach in a way. I look forward to read more from you too. There can never be too much happiness in a world of chaos! I hope I will also be able to pick a few tips on my creative journey. Thanks for doing what you do and encouraging women. smiles always, Gaelle

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Well it sounds like you have things well in hand as far as perspective goes! Realize the benefits that change can bring, commit to a plan/goals, and go for it. It is a step-by-step process, and involves a lifetime of work.

    Thank you for following us at the “Redo You” project. We hope you will find helpful and interesting information here. Your blog seems very insightful and you keep writing and changing viewpoints to the positive!


    Liked by 1 person

  14. Patti, who are you not to start a blog is right and if not you, then who? Get it out and share as much as you can as long as you can, because we can all use some words of wisdom and a little bit of guidance. Thank you, for ready my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thanks for stopping by Mad City Witch, thus I found you as well. Women are so powerful and need to reaffirm this daily. Too often we allow circumstances and those who infiltrate our minds to disempower us. Unfortunately, we have been taught by other women that it’s not nice to object. Keep spreading the word and doing the needful work that you do. We can change the future, one woman at a time.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Awesome. I and a few friends have made the intention to travel together on our transformative lives/journeys. it’s fun, inspiring and incredible. I love the quote that came to your mind, it is so true! Who are you not to be great!?
    Thanks 🙂 I look forward to reading more..

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Thank you for the visit today! We aspire to a number of the same things. Our first desire is to provide information to help people improve their lives. But we also want to be known for being helpful.

    Feel free to visit again and comment as you like.


    Liked by 1 person

  18. Hi Patti! Thanks for visiting and liking my blog. Your words are truly inspirational and a reminder of what magnificent creatures women are! We should all just go ahead and be as fabulous as we are meant to be!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Ditto to everything you said on your home page! I write to hopeully inspire someone else, women in particular to overcome their circmstances and get up once more if they are knocked down and stand. Stand and be counted. Stand for your beliefs. Stand to inspire others that it can be done no matter how hard it might be to get up again. Stand until you can run then run after your dreams.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I really like your mission statement. I too want to share myself so that others might know what works and what doesn’t. I share my failings as well as my successes, and I make no apologies for my faith in Jesus Christ in the process. Some of my ruminations are on creativity, some are on recovery, and some are on spirituality. Don’t expect to find religious dogma here. Instead, watch for conversations about what it’s like to be human, what it means to be a Christian in recovery, to be a Christian in relationship with Christ, and what it means to be creative. We are all creative, and we get our inspiration from the Great Creator. We can lead better lives by improving our conscious contact with God. Please feel free to read all my posts and to come back for more. I too will continue to follow your blog. God bless.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I would love to make a long narration of how I re-claimed myself for it is the only way I can prove that there’s a possibility of hope and happiness regardless of the trials we have to overcome. I had been sexually assaulted at a very young age until I became a mother when I was fourteen. Most of my years were spent not knowing what to do but I did earned a degree of which I don’t even know if I like. Because the society has persecuted and judge me that my parents had planned how I should live my life. I had dysfunctional sexual relationship, body dysmorphia, been under a severe identity crisis that drowned me into alcoholism and smoking, and a lot more. Yet somehow here I am writing my story not to commemorate my past but to prove that I now happily embrace my last piece of dignity and is living to give back what the world has taught me. I am just a regular person behind this keyboard but in every place I go with every people I met, I somehow make them smile or help them in any way I can. Reclaiming myself must be the longest adventure I’d ever had and probably the hardest but it’s all worth the effort. A friend once told me- a fallen angel who learns how to fix his wings can soar above the rest.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Beautiful entry – welcome to the world writing! “Follow Your Bliss.” “I Am.”
    I just wrote my last entry based on ideas such as the “7 tools” and “4 agreements’ which are so helpful on the journey of awakening, but was inspired too from where I abide now, knowing it can help. Pleasure to connect. Be. Namaste.
    1 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Hi there, awesome concept and I hope your book is doing well! Obviously, your target demographic is women, but do you believe that your advice can benefit men as well? I hope you are having a fantastic day, and I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. I would like to add that the polarity of the feminism right side of the mind and the masculism of the left side create the conflict where the woman has the full power to embrace and nurture their true power as goddesses who procreate our species. We have lost site of their purpose for their ability to accept their ancient ways of taking care of their loved ones. Their feminism power to accept their true nature of knowing that the creator could be female. Before birth at conception we were both female and male until the many sexually reproducing species, humans have special gonosomes (sex chromosomes, in contrast to autosomes). These are XX in females and XY in males. Our sezx is determined at this point. Then when delivery starts life in a violent way that they have to squeeze through tight tunnel then slapped to breath already we start the male violent way of birth. Where woman now have nonviolent water birthing which is a spectacular way for a baby to enter the male dominated world of the womans right side of the mind. I truly believe we are having a higher consciousness level of relating to the universe and realize that woman could be empowered to change the world from the old paradigm shift to the new age of higher consciousness in the world. So Patty don’t hold back what you truly mean where woman can also be warriors and be empowered with the same energy as men and we polarize our selves with unconditional love. Good luck with your new book I am impressed with your knowledge of the ancient ways of the past. You have tapped into the crux of all of our spiritual abilities.

    Liked by 2 people

  25. Yours is a fascinating and interesting book. The idea of healing and moving on using the creative process is one that I am sure will help many people. I am focusing on writing about creativity and aging. Do you have any thoughts on that?

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Patti, thanks for following my blog. I enjoyed your reasons for blogging and the expression of a little doubt on why you are blogging, I had it too but your Marianne Williamson’s quote not only cleared the doubt but also strengthens me. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  27. “I want women to know that it’s safe to trust their inspired thoughts. I want to communicate that all people can access their intuition – it just takes time to learn to listen to it and trust it. I want to encourage women to live with an attitude of gratitude and abundance.”

    What a wonderful read this was. I really needed this, today. Thank you 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  28. Writers write because they cannot not write. It is their calling. Harlan Ellison published a work in March 1967 called “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream”. I think this is how many bloggers feel. Their blog becomes their mouth through which they scream at the world. So blog on. The world needs people to care enough to scream at it.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Lovely to see your blog! Thank you! I am embarking on a book idea today…. something I am passionate about…. children. Now to adventure through your bloggy!

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Patti, thanks so much for your great post. I think what you are doing is really wonderful and so needed! Really loved your quotes!

    Thanks so much for following my blog! I hope you will find my words worthy of your time. I will look forward to following your posts too.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Thank you so much for finding me and following. I could say a million reasons why that probably happened but I know for sure that God makes no mistakes and everything happens for a reason. So let me just say “Thank You” for bringing me over to your site. It’s funny I was just praying about this the other morning laying in bed not wanting to keep up and not sure why I needed to. Asking myself who am I to write although I have been doing it most of my life but not feeling I had anything anyone would want to hear and feeling I was not good enough. So I say again thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Greatly motivating this morning to read your post and to come across another intellengent mind. Your words are Great and awsome. Totally inspiring. Thanks for sharing your work work work. Keep posting.

    Liked by 1 person

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